ISGG(Ito Systematized Goodwill Guide)provides a voluntary tour guide who speaks foreign language and assists non-Japanese speaking visitors to travel around Ito. Major language is English but other languages may be available.伊東市善意通訳の会ISGG itosgg

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Tour Guide in Ito City

ISGG(Ito Systematized Goodwill Guide)provides a voluntary tour guide who speaks foreign language and assists non-Japanese speaking visitors to travel around Ito. Major language is English but other languages may be available.
All tour guides in our group are volunteers who are willing to guide our area to the people from foreign countries.
The service area is the central parts of Ito and surrounding areas. We accept the guide requests via-email and the assigned tour guide arranges suitable tour for you.
Let’s enjoy the view of beautiful Mt. Omuro, Jogasaki-coast etc. and temples, shrines, museums and other historical places in the central part of Ito.
Please visit Guide Service pages for more details.

Major Sightseeing Places in Ito


Mt.Omuro has a gentle silhouette looks like upside down rice bowl from wherever it is viewed. The peak of this dormant volcano 580meters above the sea level and 300meters in diameter is covered with green Japanese pompous grass. Every winter they burn old grasses to kill insects and keep Mt.Omuro green all the year round..



Sakuranosato is located at the outskirts of Mt.Omuro . You can enjoy lots of cherry blossoms all the year round.The beginning of the April is the best season to enjoy marvelous cherry blossoms.






Jogasaki Coast area had emerged by huge volume of lava gushed down from Mt.Omuro when it erupted about 4000 years ago.We suggest you to visit a suspension bridge near the Kadowaki light house. The breathtaking view from here would surely brand on your memory of visiting here.





Mt.Komuro is about 321 meters above the sea level but no crator. Lava gushed from the volcano by the eruption about 15,000 years ago. You can enjoy full bloom of azaleas and camellias in the season of May and October.





Ippekiko is a gourd -shaped natural lake. Water is very blue and clear all the year round. You can take a walk along  the promenade around the lake, about 4 kilometers. Autumn is the best season to enjoy walking around this lake.




Tokaikan is the typical Japanese style hotel. Tokaikan was built 1928, by a successful lumber merchant. He used lots of precious and unique materials to build this hotel. So you will notice the carpenters’ elaborate works here and there.

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